Do you want to increase the conversion rate of your website? In this post we’ll discuss a few web design best practices that can help improve the chances that your website visitors turn into clients.

Here are a few design tips to follow:

1. Simplify Your Design

The more elements, images, copy blocks, menus and CTAs you add to a design, the more things start competing for the user’s attention. Cluttered and unnecessarily complex designs can get in the way of conversions, especially when you really just want the user to pick up the phone or fill out your contact form.

Of course you will still need content that speaks to the services you offer and your unique value proposition, but these elements should not take away from your phone number, contact buttons and contact forms. These are direct lines of contact with your users and are critical to conversions.

2. Use White Space to Focus Users’ Attention

Don’t feel the need to fill every space with a photo or block of copy. White space (also known as negative space) can help move the user through your pages and focus them on important calls to action (CTA). Also, using white space in a design is an easy way to make the design feel much more professional and trustworthy.

3. Add Your Unique Value Proposition to Your Homepage

Your unique value proposition or UVP is a statement that describes what you offer, how you solve your customer’s needs, and what sets you apart from the competition. Visitors should clearly see this at the top of your homepage. Keep it as short as possible and in plain language so everyone can understand the value your firm brings to the table.

4. Consider Adding Live Chat

Live chat functionality can be a great way to boost conversions. This will not replace your contact page or phone number, but live chat may attract people who wouldn’t usually contact you. Read our post Top 4 Benefits Live Chat Provides to Law Firms to learn more.

5. Optimize Contact Forms

It’s pretty straightforward. The fewer form fields you have, the more likely it is that users will complete them. Stick to the basics like name, phone number, email address and a brief message.

Also, think about including your contact form in the sidebar of interior pages rather than forcing users to click a “Contact” link. When a visitor decides to get in touch, no matter where they are on your site, it’s best if they don’t have to search for a contact button or contact form.

6. Add Trust Elements

Adding awards, guarantees and professional associations you belong to all help to prove that you will do what you promise and are experienced in your practice area. Also, if your firm has been featured in the news or on industry-leading websites, make sure you include their logos on your site to build authority.

You may also consider adding “No Win, No Fee” or “Money Back” guarantees. This can put visitors’ minds at ease if they’re price sensitive and hesitant to contact your firm because of cost. However, don’t make promises you can’t keep. Only advertise “No Fee” or “Money Back” guarantees if it makes 100% sense for your firm.

Learn more about designing for trust in our blog post 5 Key Factors of Trustworthiness in Web Design.

7. Include Client Testimonials

When a visitor has never heard of your law firm and visits your website for the first time, two things may come to mind: 1. “Can I trust this firm?” and 2. “Can they help me as promised?”

When visitors read client reviews, they can be reassured that you’re a reputable, trusted law firm, and that you are the right firm to work with when they need legal matters resolved. Online reviews have a great impact on your marketing efforts and have the ability to encourage would-be clients to click on particular search results as opposed to others. We have many blog posts related to the importance online reviews. In this post we offer a reviews resource bundle.

8. Simplify Your Mobile Experience

Mobile devices are now used more often to surf the web than desktop computers. You should make sure that your website works well across all platforms (e.g. mobile, tablets, desktop). If it doesn’t, you may lose a lot of clients.

Simplifying your design and keeping content short and to the point is critical on mobile websites. Make it as easy as possible for mobile users to find what they’re looking for quickly. That means phone numbers, maps, directions, office hours and tap-to-call buttons that put them in contact with your firm.

Size matters on mobile. Make sure your font size is large enough so even visitors with poor eyesight won’t have to zoom in for legibility. Also, buttons need to be large and easy to press. Apple suggests that button sizes should be at least 44px by 44px to increase conversions and maximize user experience.


Many of the tips listed above are about trust and how design can influence users’ first impressions. On average, visitors spend less than 15 seconds on a website. This means that getting these elements right and making a great first impression is critical.

Simplicity in web design, especially simplicity in mobile web design, will make it easier for visitors to access content that is pertinent to them. The result of this is that potential clients are much more likely to contact you.

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