Are you concerned about your law firm’s marketing in these uncertain times? Are you wondering how lawyers can identify opportunities, maintain market share, and set up for success in the evolving digital marketplace? In this webinar on-demand we ...
To be effective and generate leads, a law firm’s website needs to adhere to design rules & norms, that help it convert visitors to clients. Sometimes, the best way to learn how to win a game, is to first learn how to break the rules. In that spir...
Making the choice to invest in a new website is an important step for a law firm. Whether it is your first website or you want to update an existing one, communicating with your project redesign team is key. Consistent and clear communication will does...
Because of the recent changes to social patterns & behaviors, there has rightly been a surge of interest in the legal community about running a remote law firm. Since Consultwebs has been 100% remote from the beginning, we’ve learned a few things...
Do you “like” your law firm’s website design? Are you “happy” with it? Or are you measuring the amount of leads your website develops, and basing your feelings off that? After launching thousands of law firm websites, w...
According to financial forecasts, spending within the U.S. legal marketing and advertising industries is estimated to exceed $1 billion in 2020. Not only is it an insanely expensive, zero-sum game against competing law firms, now thanks to the thousand...
Legal services is one of the most competitive industries in the country, so building a law firms book of business with marketing is an easy decision to make. The difficulties arrive when those funding the marketing have to prioritize the activities; wh...
Do you want to increase the conversion rate of your website? In this post we’ll discuss a few web design best practices that can help improve the chances that your website visitors turn into clients. Here are a few design tips to follow: 1. Simpl...
With everyone and their cat making one these days, podcasts can seem an attractive choice for legal marketers looking for new ways to bring awareness to their law firm. However, to launch a successful podcast for your law firm, there are a few things t...
In jazz improvisation, “outside” playing describes an approach where one plays over a scale, mode, or chord that is harmonically distant from the given chord. (Source: ) Greats such as Charlie P...